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Blumer, Reto

Les Chevalets 6
CH-1653 Châtel-sur-Montsalvens FR
++41 26 921 01 18

Research Projects

International Archaeological Research in Chukotka (northeastern Siberia)

From 1995 to 2000, I participated to the first international archaeological collaboration in Chukotka (northeastern Siberia). The expedition's research focused on the Ekven settlement, located about 25 km south of Uelen along the western Bering Strait shore. Among participating countries: Canada, Denmark, Germany, Russia, and Switzerland.


I acted as Swiss partner of the field expedition and began the excavation and detailed documentation of a well preserved subterranean house ruin (EH18) in collaboration with Danish and German colleagues.


I collegially led further extensive excavation of EH18 with the Russian expedition leader Kirill Dneprovsky and Prof. Hansjürgen Müller-Beck, head of the German team.


Accompanied by ethnoarchaeologist Dr. Yvon Csonka, we shifted our attention from well advanced excavation of EH18 and focused our work on remaining settlement parts of Ekven and its vicinity.


An experienced French sedimentologist, Bernard Moulin, joined Dr. Csonka and myself. During this last field season, we successfully tested different spots of the Ekven site and documented large stretches of the massive erosion bank of the site.


I participated to the elaboration of the dataset gained by the Swiss team in Chukotka.

First archaeological excavation
in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan

In 1999 and 2000, while employed by the Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological Research Abroad SLFA (Zurich, Switzerland, I was able to set up the first archaeological investigation ever carried out in Bhutan, a small Himalayan kingdom located between occupied Tibet and India. This mandatory project was a realized by a small SLFA team in collaboration with the NGO Helvetas (Zurich, Switzerland), the Bhutanese Ministry of Agriculture, and the Bhutanese National Commission for Cultural Affairs.

Results of this project can be found at the following address:

The full preliminary report for the investigations of 1999 was published in the SLFA Annual Report and can be found online at:

The first part of our final report, which is soon published in the SLFA Annual Report for 2000, is already accessible online:

New Archaeological Intervention Service

In the coming months and years, I plan to set up specialized teams able to implement fast and reliable salvage interventions on threatened archaeological sites worldwide. In this endeavor, I develop a new service called:


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Copyright 2000 by Blumer Reto.
Copyright 1997 by University of Geneva, Faculty of Sciences, Department for Anthropology and Ecology, Geneva, Switzerland.
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Last updated: 30-05-2001